Successful Black Man

Yo Bitch is unfortunately urinating on my fine china

Yo Bitch is unfortunately urinating on my fine china  Successful Black Man

Pass the Lean Cuisine dinner please. I've gained three pounds since Monday stress eating.

Pass the Lean Cuisine dinner please. I've gained three pounds since Monday stress eating.  Successful Black Man

You're gonna fucking die laughing at louis ck's new special

You're gonna fucking die laughing at louis ck's new special  Successful Black Man

I'm such a nig- -htowl because I'm always working late hours at the firm

I'm such a nig- -htowl because I'm always working late hours at the firm  Successful Black Man

I don't like whites in the wash with my wife's red dress she wore to our first date

I don't like whites in the wash with my wife's red dress she wore to our first date  Successful Black Man

i got life insurance in case i have an accident

i got life insurance in case i have an accident  Successful Black Man

on the ground! lookin' like a fool with my pants on the ground. remember that one?

on the ground! lookin' like a fool with my pants on the ground. remember that one?  Successful Black Man

i just shot that bitch full of medicine because I'm a vet.

i just shot that bitch full of medicine because I'm a vet.  Successful Black Man

i have got a ten inch binder filled with my tax returns

i have got a ten inch binder filled with my tax returns  Successful Black Man

I sell drugs at the local pharmacy that I own

I sell drugs at the local pharmacy that I own  Successful Black Man
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