Successful Black Man

I drink 40 oz. of water a day to stay hydrated

I drink 40 oz. of water a day to stay hydrated  Successful Black Man

I hate this cell formatting on this spreadsheet.

I hate this cell formatting on this spreadsheet.  Successful Black Man

I always go to jail in monopoly.

I always go to jail in monopoly.  Successful Black Man

i need some weed killer for my cobblestone walkway.

i need some weed killer for my cobblestone walkway.  Successful Black Man

i cant read font when it's that size

i cant read font when it's that size  Successful Black Man

I left my kids great presents under the tree for Christmas this year

I left my kids great presents under the tree for Christmas this year  Successful Black Man

when i was growing up, my mom tricked me into believing in santa, the easter bunny, and the tooth fairy for so long

when i was growing up, my mom tricked me into believing in santa, the easter bunny, and the tooth fairy for so long  Successful Black Man

i got some crack ed glowsticks

i got some crack ed glowsticks   Successful Black Man

give me all your money so that I can invest it in long term mutual funds

give me all your money so that I can invest it in long term mutual funds  Successful Black Man

i got hoes for the gardener to utilize at his convenience

i got hoes for the gardener to utilize at his convenience  Successful Black Man
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