Successful Black Man

Fuck da police Aren't going to get here in time, I better make a citizen's arrest

Fuck da police Aren't going to get here in time, I better make a citizen's arrest  Successful Black Man

FUCK THE POLICE DEpartment tax cuts this year, we need all the community help we can get

FUCK THE POLICE DEpartment tax cuts this year, we need all the community help we can get  Successful Black Man

nigger is a derogatory statement

nigger  is a derogatory statement  Successful Black Man

Lost money on a horse Bought a Ferrari.

Lost money on a horse Bought a Ferrari.  Successful Black Man

I grew up on the street sesame street

I grew up on the street sesame street  Successful Black Man

Didn't steal anything gets frisked anyway

Didn't steal anything gets frisked anyway  Successful Black Man

I'd tap that woman's ass. Sure i play magic but i have needs too.

I'd tap that woman's ass.  Sure i play magic but i have needs too.  Successful Black Man

sammi cannold has no sense of humor

sammi cannold has no sense of humor  Successful Black Man

From the hood of my prius is where the rattle is coming from

From the hood of my prius is where the rattle is coming from  Successful Black Man

A client is giving you trouble? I'll work him over with our low prices and great service.

A client is giving you trouble? I'll work him over with our low prices and great service.  Successful Black Man
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