Successful Black Man

I just sold a dime at the historical coin auction

I just sold a dime at the historical coin auction  Successful Black Man

Theres nothing like a strong black woman Stalks the kardashians

Theres nothing like a strong black woman Stalks the kardashians  Successful Black Man

took five years to graduate with a Ba and masters in teaching

took five years to graduate with a Ba and masters in teaching  Successful Black Man

pick up the soap that you seem to have accidentally knocked of the soap dish. We wouldn't want anyone slipping on it

pick up the soap that you seem to have accidentally knocked of the soap dish. We wouldn't want anyone slipping on it  Successful Black Man

I drink a lot ...of coconut water

I drink a lot ...of coconut water  Successful Black Man

I bought a bunch of KFC restaurants because my investment team sees great short-term gains and long term resale value

I bought a bunch of KFC restaurants because my investment team sees great short-term gains and long term resale value   Successful Black Man

heck yeah fifty cent Piece under the fridge

heck yeah fifty cent Piece under the fridge  Successful Black Man

i popped a cap and trade joke at the last analyst meeting and it was a hit

i popped a cap and trade joke at the last analyst meeting and it was a hit  Successful Black Man

I hate crackers in my soup

I hate crackers in my soup  Successful Black Man

It's hard out here for a pimp That's why I'm donating my time to educate these men into a better career

It's hard out here for a pimp That's why I'm donating my time to educate these men into a better career  Successful Black Man
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