Successful Black Man

I'm not using a rubber band on those important documents, i'll use a paper clip

I'm not using a rubber band on those important documents, i'll use a paper clip  Successful Black Man

i have 10 kids who i sponsor in africa for 10 cents a day

i have 10 kids who i sponsor in africa for 10 cents a day  Successful Black Man

my wife loves my cock tails i make her

my wife loves my cock tails i make her  Successful Black Man

Picture me rollin in my prius

Picture me rollin in my prius  Successful Black Man

Yes, Master card rewards bought this suit

Yes, Master card rewards bought this suit  Successful Black Man

i don't have a job preference. i just want to provide for my family.

i don't have a job preference. i just want to provide for my family.  Successful Black Man

I have acid -reflux. Can I get an antacid?

I have acid -reflux. Can I get an antacid?  Successful Black Man

I'm different, yeah I'm different from the other candidates. I bring much more to the table than they do. I would be a much better hire.

I'm different, yeah I'm different from the other candidates. I bring much more to the table than they do. I would be a much better hire.  Successful Black Man

My dad left me his mansion in his will

My dad left me his mansion in his will  Successful Black Man

I just bought a glock -enspiel

I just bought a glock -enspiel  Successful Black Man
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