Successful Black Man

i want some nice fresh pussy willows for my garden to join my petunias and marigolds

i want some nice fresh pussy willows for my garden to join my petunias and marigolds   Successful Black Man

I haven't paid child support in 10 years because my kids were killed in an auto accident

I haven't paid child support in 10 years because my kids were killed in an auto accident  Successful Black Man

I killed my angry boss with kindness, because he was going through hard times

I killed my angry boss with kindness, because he was going through hard times  Successful Black Man

Gangsta rap is just not as good as country

Gangsta rap is just not as good as country  Successful Black Man

I attended Harvard I am a nigger

I attended Harvard I am a nigger  Successful Black Man

I raised the roof On my country's debt ceiling

I raised the roof On my country's debt ceiling  Successful Black Man

I'm so high up on the corporate ladder

I'm so high up on the corporate ladder  Successful Black Man

SWAG SWAG Like Caillou

SWAG SWAG Like Caillou  Successful Black Man

if you need me, i'll be running a dog fighting ring protest group

if you need me, i'll be running a dog fighting ring protest group   Successful Black Man

i shot every single one of them an email about my dinner party next week

i shot every single one of them an email about my dinner party next week  Successful Black Man
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