Successful Black Man

cash rules everything around me, cream just keeps my skin looking healthy and moisturized

cash rules everything around me, cream just keeps my skin looking healthy and moisturized  Successful Black Man

Let's hit this trail. Hiking is fantastic for your cardiovascular health.

Let's hit this trail. Hiking is fantastic for your cardiovascular health.   Successful Black Man

I'm on Welfare Reform boards statewide to make sure that those who need support receive it

I'm on Welfare Reform boards statewide to make sure that those who need support receive it  Successful Black Man

Dont Fuck with me Before I've had my coffee.

Dont Fuck with me Before I've had my coffee.  Successful Black Man

negro! I suck at Jeopardy. I meant, what is negro?

 I suck at Jeopardy. I meant, what is negro?  Successful Black Man

I'll make you bleed orange, when i show you the new 44 jersey i got you

I'll make you bleed orange, when i show you the new 44 jersey i got you  Successful Black Man

I'm going to the South Bronx for my 5th block hip hop class

I'm going to the South Bronx for my 5th block hip hop class  Successful Black Man

Hey baby lets bang these pots and pans together to celebrate the new year

Hey baby lets bang these pots and pans together to celebrate the new year  Successful Black Man

one day i will own a white phone because they are aesthetically pleasing

one day i will own a white phone because they are aesthetically pleasing  Successful Black Man

I will cut you from the team if you don't come to practice

I will cut you from the team if you don't come to practice  Successful Black Man
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