Successful Black Man

Running, shooting and Stealing All fundamentals in basketball

Running, shooting and Stealing All fundamentals in basketball  Successful Black Man

I got a job! bitches love a nigga in a suit Caption 3 goes here

I got a job! bitches love a nigga in a suit Caption 3 goes here  Successful Black Man

I love Dr. Dre w. He saved my relationship.

I love Dr. Dre w. He saved my relationship.  Successful Black Man

I stole a kiss from my wife, when the lights went down at the opera

I stole a kiss from my wife, when the lights went down at the opera  Successful Black Man

Just another bond trader On the equity chase

Just another bond trader On the equity chase  Successful Black Man

Lemme Just Get This Joint Account Set up so we Can Consolidate Our Assets

Lemme Just Get 
This Joint Account Set up so we Can Consolidate Our Assets  Successful Black Man

I listen to nwa announcements over the intercom at the airport

I listen to nwa announcements over the intercom at the airport  Successful Black Man

Got money, you know it In my daughter's college fund

Got money, you know it In my daughter's college fund  Successful Black Man

Who wants some of this dark chocolate that i got on sale at godiva

Who wants some of this dark chocolate that i got on sale at godiva  Successful Black Man

I love the snow But I love the Caribbean sun even better

I love the snow But I love the Caribbean sun even better  Successful Black Man
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