Successful Black Man

I got that chronic back pain from this non ergonomic chair

I got that chronic back pain from this non ergonomic chair  Successful Black Man

Want Some coke? I've got bottles in the fridge

Want Some coke? I've got bottles in the fridge  Successful Black Man

Son, grab my joint compound. Let's finish this drywall together.

Son, grab my joint compound. Let's finish this drywall together.  Successful Black Man

got 99 problems all of which regard private real estate equity investments

got 99 problems all of which regard private
 real estate equity investments  Successful Black Man

I took her home, and then i cut her a piece of our 25th anniversary cake

I took her home, and then i cut her a piece of our 25th anniversary cake  Successful Black Man

I just shot a man in the hr department my resume and linkedin profile

I just shot a man in the hr department my resume and linkedin profile  Successful Black Man

I always beat my son at basketball

I always beat my son at basketball  Successful Black Man

I suck dick for crack in the parking lot of a fortune 500 company

I suck dick for crack in the parking lot of a fortune 500 company  Successful Black Man

use me correctly again in this subreddit i dare you, i double dare you motherfucker!

use me correctly again in this subreddit i dare you, i double dare you motherfucker!  Successful Black Man

Mitch Siegel calls my dick black thunder

Mitch Siegel calls my dick black thunder   Successful Black Man
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