Successful Black Man

Take your stereo -types back and give this meme a positive message

Take your stereo -types back and give this meme a positive message  Successful Black Man

I like to beat my wife and children to the car so i can open it for them

I like to beat my wife and children to the car so i can open it for them  Successful Black Man

I'm gunna cut you another slice of my fresh homemade apple pie for the road

I'm gunna cut you another slice of my fresh homemade apple pie for the road  Successful Black Man

How do you feel about this tie? I'm on the fence

How do you feel about this tie? I'm on the fence  Successful Black Man

Cruising down the street in my 64 Miles to the gallon hybrid.

Cruising down the street in my 64 Miles to the gallon hybrid.  Successful Black Man

I'm selling weed Killer since my groundskeeper ordered too much

I'm selling weed Killer since my groundskeeper ordered too much  Successful Black Man

I love platinum cards with low APR and great rewards

I love platinum cards with low APR and great rewards  Successful Black Man

Slavery is wrong Except in the bible, where it's ok to beat your slaves with a rod Exodus 21:20

Slavery is wrong Except in the bible, where it's ok to beat your slaves with a rod
Exodus 21:20  Successful Black Man

dont mess with me im packin for vacation gotta have my golf clubs

dont mess with me im packin for vacation gotta have my golf clubs   Successful Black Man

I make it rain honey Bunches of oats. Breakfast is important.

I make it rain honey Bunches of oats. Breakfast is important.  Successful Black Man
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