Successful Black Man

Black business man 'nuff said

Black business man 'nuff said  Successful Black Man

My pants are sagging and I have only a wifebeater on cause my Armani belt broke and I gave a homeless man my Versace shirt.

My pants are sagging and I have only a wifebeater on cause my Armani belt broke and I gave a homeless man my Versace shirt.   Successful Black Man

i hate white pants, they dirty easily.

i hate white pants, they dirty easily.  Successful Black Man

i just got some crack on my bmw's windshield

i just got some crack on my bmw's windshield  Successful Black Man

I don't do oral presentations. I make my employees do them.

I don't do oral presentations. I make my employees do them.  Successful Black Man

I'm going to cut you a great deal on this insurance plan

I'm going to cut you a great deal on this insurance plan  Successful Black Man

I'm gonna fuck you up stairs because the children are watching cartoons in the living room

I'm gonna fuck you up stairs because the children are watching cartoons in the living room   Successful Black Man

Fuck Snitches. they make quidditch so unfair

Fuck Snitches. they make quidditch so unfair  Successful Black Man

black power outlets will really match the color of the walls

black power outlets will really match the color of the walls  Successful Black Man

You better back up Your digital photos. Those precious memories can't be replaced.

You better back up Your digital photos. Those precious memories can't be replaced.   Successful Black Man
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