Successful Black Man

I love rap poker

I love rap poker  Successful Black Man

i'm on a UNIX machine yeah tell it to the judge

 i'm on a UNIX machine yeah tell it to the judge  Successful Black Man

I'm going to break your neck Of the woods up in this great land deal

I'm going to break your neck Of the woods up in this great land deal  Successful Black Man

I work all day in the field of technology and information systems.

I work all day in the field of technology and information systems.  Successful Black Man

I'm gonna go pick up some pot ted plants at the florist

I'm gonna go pick up some pot ted plants at the florist  Successful Black Man


Just copped a dimebag ALBUM. ITS A SHAME HIS LIFE WAS CUT SHORT.   Successful Black Man

I just bought an 8 ball i could not for the life of me find the one in our pool table set

I just bought an 8 ball i could not for the life of me find the one in our pool table set  Successful Black Man

No chance I'm going to tip There are children in this canoe

No chance I'm going to tip There are children in this canoe  Successful Black Man

You're gonna take all of the big D batteries out of our flashlights and replace them. The office needs to be ready for an emergency.

You're gonna take                                                        all of the big D batteries out of our flashlights and replace them. The office needs to be ready for an emergency.  Successful Black Man

im a blood donor

im a blood donor  Successful Black Man
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