Successful Black Man

I always beat my wife to the car so i can open the door for her

I always beat my wife to the car so i can open the door for her  Successful Black Man

I got arrested development on blu-ray

I got arrested development on blu-ray  Successful Black Man

I will cut you some slack on this week's earnings report

I will cut you some slack on this week's earnings report  Successful Black Man

Let's shoot up Those 4th quarter profits in order to appease our shareholders

Let's shoot up Those 4th quarter profits in order to appease our shareholders  Successful Black Man

Took two bitches home because the pound said they would put them down if nobody adopted them

Took two bitches home because the pound said they would put them down if nobody adopted them  Successful Black Man

i still support oj as a healthy alternative to soda in our schools

i still support oj as a healthy alternative to soda in our schools  Successful Black Man

i've never seen my son get a bad grade on one of his exams

i've never seen my son get a bad grade on one of his exams  Successful Black Man

you just hate me because i'm black listing your company from any future business deals

you just hate me because i'm black listing your company from any future business deals  Successful Black Man

I'm going to cut that guy Some slack because he had a hard day today

I'm going to cut that guy Some slack because he had a hard day today   Successful Black Man

I'm gonna go home and have a blunt and honest discussion with my kids about the dangers of premarital sex

I'm gonna go home and have a blunt and honest discussion with my kids about the dangers of premarital sex  Successful Black Man
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