Successful Black Man

Bitches ain't shit They are human beings

Bitches ain't shit They are human beings  Successful Black Man

I used to do coke but then i switched to pepsi

I used to do coke  but then i switched to pepsi  Successful Black Man

I left my wife and kid scrambled eggs before i went to work this morning

I left my wife and kid scrambled eggs before i went to work this morning  Successful Black Man


DO YOU WANT SOME Coffee?  Successful Black Man

I'm the real nig- -erian charity host, I like to give to other less fortunate countries.

I'm the real nig- -erian charity host, I like to give to other less fortunate countries.  Successful Black Man

When my wife isnt looking I tend to Cheat on my diet.

When my wife isnt looking I tend to Cheat on my diet.  Successful Black Man

Yo- yo Ma... Is absolutely my favorite cellist

Yo- yo Ma... Is absolutely my favorite cellist   Successful Black Man

I would never join a country club that would have me as a member

I would never join a country club that would have me as a member  Successful Black Man

takes ur mom out to a nice seafood restaurant and never calls her again

takes ur mom out to a nice seafood restaurant and never calls her again
  Successful Black Man

chicken and waffles are both seven letter words

chicken and waffles are both seven letter words   Successful Black Man
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