Success Kid

Goes home at a solid [7] Dinner is ready

Goes home at a solid [7] Dinner is ready  Success Kid

used a satchel to cap "b" on Red October Factory Killed three enemies and zero friendlies

used a satchel to cap

i got it up!

 i got it up!  Success Kid

Your Number Gets Called At The Galley Act Like You've Just Won The Lottery

Your Number Gets Called At The Galley Act Like You've Just Won The Lottery  Success Kid

Substitute Teacher Not Mrs. Mitnick

Substitute Teacher Not Mrs. Mitnick  Success Kid

Did laundry all socks had matches

Did laundry all socks had matches  Success Kid

Co-workers make joke about sex life Co-workers think I have a sex life

Co-workers make joke about sex life Co-workers think I have a sex life  Success Kid

smokes everyday runs 5 miles every morning

smokes everyday  runs 5 miles every morning  Success Kid

Saw picture of hot D1 female athlete She's straight!

Saw picture of hot D1 female athlete She's straight!  Success Kid

buying extra snack in vending machine to knock down the one that is stuck received both snacks and full refund

buying extra snack in vending machine to knock down the one that is stuck received both snacks and full refund  Success Kid
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