Success Kid

Bee flew in an open window and right back out

Bee flew in an open window and right back out  Success Kid

Right clicked on a grammar error in microsoft word it actually gave me a solution

Right clicked on a grammar error in microsoft word it actually gave me a solution  Success Kid

will be doing lots of camping and traveling to places without WiFi for the next month and a half will be at home for cakeday

will be doing lots of camping and traveling to places without WiFi for the next month and a half will be at home for cakeday  Success Kid

Didn't get an internship at home Stayed in college town, got a paying job in my field, and lost my virginity to an older woman

Didn't get an internship at home Stayed in college town, got a paying job in my field, and lost my virginity to an older woman  Success Kid

Ex told me I wasn't going to amount to anything I have a college degree she's a stripper

Ex told me I  wasn't going to amount to anything I have a college degree she's a stripper  Success Kid

Thought I missed my cake day It's tomorrow.

Thought I missed my cake day It's tomorrow.  Success Kid

Noticed red in ejaculate while cleaning out belly button ONLY LINT

Noticed red in ejaculate while cleaning out belly button ONLY LINT  Success Kid

hOJE o simao comeu muitos meninos GREAT SUCCESS

hOJE o simao comeu muitos meninos GREAT SUCCESS  Success Kid

had to poop roommate wasn't in shower

had to poop roommate wasn't in shower  Success Kid

Tried to explain to a Dr. a better way to do soemthing He actually listened.

Tried to explain to a Dr. a better way to do soemthing He actually listened.   Success Kid
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