Success Kid

had volcano wings last night didn't have volcano shits in the morning

had volcano wings last night didn't have volcano shits in the morning  Success Kid

Best day of traffic of the year

 Best day of traffic of the year  Success Kid

Have office hours the day of an exam No one shows up

Have office hours the day of an exam No one shows up  Success Kid

dreamed I was peeing woke up with no wet spots

dreamed I was peeing woke up with no wet spots  Success Kid

Woke up 7 minutes before class starts made it

Woke up 7 minutes before class starts made it  Success Kid

No time to pack a lunch this morning Free food in the break room

No time to pack a lunch this morning Free food in the break room  Success Kid

Hmm..I know I joined about a year ago..I wonder if it's my Ca.. YUP!

Hmm..I know I joined about a year ago..I wonder if it's my Ca.. YUP!  Success Kid

Went to the airport remembered to take the pocketknife off my keychain

Went to the airport remembered to take the pocketknife off my keychain  Success Kid

Thought i missed my cake day Different time zone

Thought i missed my cake day Different time zone  Success Kid

Went to grocery store only got items i planned on getting

Went to grocery store only got items i planned on getting  Success Kid
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