Success Kid

Fell off the bike wore a helmet

Fell off the bike wore a helmet  Success Kid

used a code from a game bought two years ago still valid

used a code from a game bought two years ago still valid  Success Kid

Did all my laundry Finished drying before it rained

Did all my laundry Finished drying before it rained  Success Kid

Found a ride with Ride-Share Didnt get murdered

Found a ride with Ride-Share Didnt get murdered  Success Kid

Texted All of my friends, "Just got busted, you are my alibibi, destroy your Phone!" None of them texted me back

Texted All of my friends,

Family with Kids is Visting Still Slept In

Family with Kids is Visting Still Slept In  Success Kid

paid the $1,095 fees got let off the additional $25 late fee

paid the $1,095 fees got let off the additional $25 late fee  Success Kid

Refreshed Reddit All links are blue

Refreshed Reddit All links are blue  Success Kid

heated up hot pocket warm both inside and outside

heated up hot pocket warm both inside and outside  Success Kid

Went to bed hungover woke up just fine

Went to bed hungover woke up just fine  Success Kid
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