Success Kid

Went to use the dryer wasn't full of my girlfriend's clothes that she hadn't put away

Went to use the dryer wasn't full of my girlfriend's clothes that she hadn't put away  Success Kid

Realized that I haven't studied at all for my last exam Art final

Realized that I haven't studied at all for my last exam Art final  Success Kid

Library book I wanted was already checked out Found it in my pile of checked out books

Library book I wanted was already checked out Found it in my pile of checked out books  Success Kid

Made pizza in the oven Didn't burn roof of mouth

Made pizza in the oven Didn't burn roof of mouth  Success Kid

Was completely out of clean socks Found a brand new pair of socks in the back of my dresser

Was completely out of clean socks Found a brand new pair of socks in the back of my dresser  Success Kid

Changed my shorts Without taking shoes off

Changed my shorts Without taking shoes off  Success Kid

i became famous for eating sand

i became famous for eating sand  Success Kid

Went to a website that offered something for free was actually free

Went to a website that offered something for free was actually free  Success Kid

Forgot something important while I was sober remembered it once I got stoned

Forgot something important while I was sober remembered it once I got stoned  Success Kid

Had a date last night Got bought flowers and pizza. win

Had a date last night Got bought flowers and pizza. win  Success Kid
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