Success Kid

Left ear buds in pocket of dirty pants on laundry day Still work

Left ear buds in pocket of dirty pants on laundry day Still work  Success Kid

got completely wasted last night didn't upload any blurry bar photos

got completely wasted last night didn't upload any blurry bar photos  Success Kid

Slipped and fell on ice Didn't spill coffee

Slipped and fell on ice Didn't spill coffee  Success Kid

Asked for guacamole at chipotle Didn't get charged extra

Asked for guacamole at chipotle Didn't get charged extra  Success Kid

Reddit down at 1:55 PM boss sends office home early for long weekend at 2:00 PM

Reddit down at 1:55 PM boss sends office home early for long weekend at 2:00 PM  Success Kid

washed my clothes number of socks came out even

washed my clothes number of socks came out even  Success Kid

Didn't change my clock last daylight savings Now it shows the right time

Didn't change my clock last daylight savings Now it shows the right time  Success Kid

SO walked in the door with our baby sleeping on my chest Got laid

SO walked in the door with our baby sleeping on my chest Got laid  Success Kid

The baby in this meme? from my hometown

The baby in this meme? from my hometown  Success Kid

swallowed can tab passed next morning

swallowed can tab passed next morning  Success Kid
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