Success Kid Steals my shit Steals my shit  Success Kid

Cold weather Nose stops running for first time in 9 months

Cold weather Nose stops running for first time in 9 months  Success Kid

Starbucks Messed up on my mocha. FREE COFFEE!

Starbucks Messed up on my mocha. FREE COFFEE!  Success Kid

Can't go on reddit all day Reddit was down all day

Can't go on reddit all day Reddit was down all day  Success Kid

Drove Drunk Didn't Kill anyone

Drove Drunk Didn't Kill anyone  Success Kid

Scanner malfunctions at the supermarket gets $25 worth of groceries for 2.16

Scanner malfunctions at the supermarket  gets $25 worth of groceries for 2.16  Success Kid

Just finished cutting up an onion didn't cry

Just finished cutting up an onion didn't cry  Success Kid

Success is good

Success is good  Success Kid

got all dirty dishes to fit in the dishwasher

got all dirty dishes to fit in the dishwasher  Success Kid

Generations of poverty, alcoholism and being uneducated broke the cycle

Generations of poverty, alcoholism and being uneducated broke the cycle  Success Kid
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