Success Kid

robbed a chicken fillet roll from centra didnt get caught

robbed a chicken fillet roll from centra didnt get caught  Success Kid

Hasn't drank alcohol in two days

Hasn't drank alcohol in two days  Success Kid

El Parcero Menol Hasta La Muerte k Dios Los BendigaaaA

El Parcero Menol Hasta La Muerte  k Dios Los BendigaaaA  Success Kid

show up late for work boss isn't there yet

show up late for work boss isn't there yet  Success Kid

Have to poop on the way to work holds it till i get on the clock so i can get paid to do it

Have to poop on the way to work holds it till i get  on the clock so i can get paid to do it  Success Kid

shaved off facial hair don't look 12

shaved off facial hair don't look 12  Success Kid

Lost check en route to bank steps retraced, found in street. still deposited.

Lost check en route to bank steps retraced, found in street. still deposited.   Success Kid

Search for an article Amazon says it's in the book I just checked out

Search for an article Amazon says it's in the book I just checked out  Success Kid

call me cause ill give u a fuckin good time

call me cause ill give u a fuckin good time  Success Kid

Daughter said she had to go poo soon as she got in the tub Put her on the potty, and actually poos in the potty for the first time!

Daughter said she had to go poo soon as she got in the tub Put her on the potty, and actually poos in the potty for the first time!  Success Kid
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