Success Kid

5 Kappa guys graduate Simpson In 4 years

5 Kappa guys graduate Simpson In 4 years  Success Kid

Can't do a Northern Ireland accent still Got cast in a Friel play

Can't do a Northern Ireland accent still Got cast in a Friel play  Success Kid

Parked in commuter parking didnt get a ticket

Parked in commuter parking didnt get a ticket  Success Kid

history exam about Renaissance in italy Knew all the answers from playing assassins creed

history exam about Renaissance in italy Knew all the answers from playing assassins creed  Success Kid

start dating cute girl find out she's hornier than you are

start dating cute girl find out she's hornier than you are  Success Kid

Put Swanson meal in the microwave Emptied the dishwasher before the buzzer went off

Put Swanson meal in the microwave Emptied the dishwasher before the buzzer went off  Success Kid

Looses karma in bad post Gains more karma for making advice animal about it

Looses karma in bad post Gains more karma for making advice animal about it  Success Kid

Forgot to bring a pencil to lecture found one under my seat

Forgot to bring a pencil to lecture found one under my seat  Success Kid

Gives girlfriend favorite sweater She sews the holes in it and gives it back

Gives girlfriend favorite sweater She sews the holes in it and gives it back  Success Kid

Vamos Esparta Ganamos NimiNi Ahora voi X Pindo

Vamos Esparta Ganamos NimiNi

Ahora voi X Pindo   Success Kid
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