Success Kid

Accidentally wash flash drive Still works

Accidentally wash flash drive Still works  Success Kid

First Day of class teacher explains syllabus then leaves

First Day of class teacher explains syllabus then leaves  Success Kid

browsed the internet for an hour on the toilet legs didn't fall asleep

browsed the internet for an hour on the toilet legs didn't fall asleep  Success Kid

Goes to weight machine preferred weight already set up

Goes to weight machine  preferred weight already set up  Success Kid

Accidentally clicks wrong link Still boobs

Accidentally clicks wrong link Still boobs  Success Kid

Afraid to check bank account after night of drinking work deposited pay check

Afraid to check bank account after night of drinking work deposited pay check  Success Kid

horribly typed something into google corrected into what i wanted to type

horribly typed something into google corrected into what i wanted to type  Success Kid

Using School computer Reddit isn't blocked

Using School computer Reddit isn't blocked  Success Kid

drank enough to give 3 people a hangover feel fine

drank enough to give 3 people a hangover feel fine  Success Kid

Went back to school knew where everything was

Went back to school  knew where everything was  Success Kid
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