Success Kid

missed both morning lectures find out later both cancelled

missed both morning lectures find out later both cancelled  Success Kid

phone pocket dials during exam didn't get expelled

phone pocket dials during exam didn't get expelled  Success Kid


 TOUR GUIDE  Success Kid

Needed 30 index cards randomly grabbed 30

Needed 30 index cards randomly grabbed 30  Success Kid

Forgot To Do Mrs.Marshall's Homework Before Class She Stamped At The End Of Class

Forgot To Do Mrs.Marshall's Homework Before Class She Stamped At The End Of Class  Success Kid

Hot girl in class wearing yoga pants Brought sunglasses

Hot girl in class wearing yoga pants Brought sunglasses  Success Kid

Gets ice cube from ice cube tray just one

Gets ice cube from ice cube tray just one  Success Kid

looks for comfy blue chair in library finds a whole study room

looks for comfy blue chair in library finds a whole study room  Success Kid

got groped by airport security she was cute

got groped by airport security she was cute  Success Kid

didnt finish copperfield assignment Movie

didnt finish copperfield assignment Movie  Success Kid
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