Success Kid

buys new chapstick didn't lose last one

buys new chapstick didn't lose last one  Success Kid

Didn't do anything at work today Boss tells me i'm killing it

Didn't do anything at work today Boss tells me i'm killing it  Success Kid

Over 4k karma never posted on GW

Over 4k karma never posted on GW  Success Kid

Called in sick with acute romnesia Boss bought it

Called in sick with acute romnesia Boss bought it  Success Kid

Reddit is down Hasn't tried to go on reddit all day

Reddit is down Hasn't tried to go on reddit all day  Success Kid

Changed channel to Spongebob Episode Title

Changed channel to Spongebob Episode Title  Success Kid

Walked into McDonald's 5 days after monopoly ended Got monopoly game pieces with my food

Walked into McDonald's 5 days after monopoly ended  Got monopoly game pieces with my food  Success Kid

Newsfeed is filled with half naked women That I know

Newsfeed is filled with half naked women That I know  Success Kid

New Hairdresser Hotter than my old one

New Hairdresser Hotter than my old one  Success Kid

Clicked stop on the web browser after hitting wrong link page isn't blank

Clicked stop on the web browser after hitting wrong link page isn't blank  Success Kid
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