Success Kid

Made joke to girlfriend about "coming in the back door" She's into it

Made joke to girlfriend about

late to class didn't miss an iclicker question

late to class didn't miss an iclicker question  Success Kid

brand new shoes no blisters

brand new shoes no blisters  Success Kid

Late to Lunch at Rand Last bag of Sun Chips

Late to Lunch at Rand Last bag of Sun Chips  Success Kid

wake up 5 times a night and scream at top of my lungs get rewarded with bottle of milk...eeevery tiiime

wake up 5 times a night and scream at top of my lungs get rewarded with bottle of milk...eeevery tiiime  Success Kid

Self post makes seventh page on r/trees. Fuck yeah.

Self post makes seventh page on r/trees.  Fuck yeah.   Success Kid

Go to accepted students day at a college hottest girl in the room immediately starts talking to you

Go to accepted students day at a college hottest girl in the room immediately starts talking to you  Success Kid

Due On Canvas at 12? turned it in at 11:59

Due On Canvas at 12? turned it in at 11:59  Success Kid

types in reddit at school isn't blocked

types in reddit at school isn't blocked  Success Kid

Permission to work at home Kicked off VPN

Permission to work at home Kicked off VPN  Success Kid
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