Success Kid

Sneezed while taking a piss didn't pee on the toilet

Sneezed while taking a piss didn't pee on the toilet  Success Kid

Blowjob hype begins on reddit, girlfriend asks if guys really enjoy it that much girlfriend gets period

Blowjob hype begins on reddit, girlfriend asks if guys really enjoy it that much girlfriend gets period  Success Kid

Fucked my girlfriend so well she fell asleep

Fucked my girlfriend so well she fell asleep  Success Kid

Has ADHD and doesn't take meds Still made the dean's list both semesters of her freshman year

Has ADHD and doesn't take meds Still made the dean's list both semesters of her freshman year  Success Kid

Masturbated all day was able to attain an erection and give her multiple orgasms

Masturbated all day was able to attain an erection and give her multiple orgasms  Success Kid

took shit in wife's cat's litter box wife took cat to the vet

took shit in wife's cat's litter box wife took cat to the vet  Success Kid

Lip balm went through the dryer didn't deform or melt

Lip balm went through the dryer didn't deform or melt  Success Kid

After 1 year today in New Zealand Got visa for another 2 years

After 1 year today in New Zealand  Got visa for another 2 years  Success Kid

He dropped out and I found a better and cheaper house the next day

He dropped out  and I found a better and cheaper house the next day  Success Kid

In uni whilst under drinking age Still gets served

In uni whilst under drinking age Still gets served  Success Kid
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