Success Kid

submits 238 websupplier messages breaks test hub adapter

submits 238 websupplier messages breaks test hub adapter  Success Kid

Sustainable energy man secret identity revealed photo is not that recent

Sustainable energy man secret identity revealed photo is not that recent  Success Kid

Forgot it was 4/20 Still got high all day

Forgot it was 4/20 Still got high all day  Success Kid

Uses wrong text Nobody noticed

Uses wrong text Nobody noticed  Success Kid

introduces new meme all over reddit

introduces new meme all over reddit  Success Kid

Doesn't know answer to question Guesses it correctly

Doesn't know answer to question Guesses it correctly  Success Kid

Slept through class woke up to email that it was cancelled

Slept through class woke up to email that it was cancelled  Success Kid

Tell wife to get back in the kitchen and bake me a pie takes joke seriously

Tell wife to get back in the kitchen and bake me a pie takes joke seriously  Success Kid

sat down on bus to campus right above the heater

sat down on bus
to campus right above the
heater  Success Kid

Uses credit card approved

Uses credit card approved  Success Kid
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