Success Kid

ran out of blank printer paper print on notebook paper instead

ran out of blank printer paper print on notebook paper instead  Success Kid

Get a new movement in the Grainger Tacet

Get a new movement in the Grainger Tacet  Success Kid

Girlfriend asked me to mow the lawn Started lawn mower on the first try

Girlfriend asked me to mow the lawn Started lawn mower on the first try  Success Kid

Decided to Stop at Stop sign Cop behind me

Decided to Stop at Stop sign  Cop behind me  Success Kid

Wipes Ghost poop

Wipes Ghost poop  Success Kid

Umbrella tries to float away in the wind you make a stunning jump and grab the handle while sexy girls are watching

Umbrella tries to float away in the wind you make a stunning jump and grab the handle while sexy girls  are watching  Success Kid

Makes first post to reddit Hits front page

Makes first post to reddit Hits front page  Success Kid

Left light on in the car overnight Battery was not dead in the morning

Left light on in the car overnight Battery was not dead in the morning  Success Kid



girlfriend farted in my face didn't get pink eye

girlfriend farted in my face didn't get pink eye  Success Kid
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