Success Kid

uh winning!

uh winning!  Success Kid

put a USB memory stick in the correct face up on the first try. Unheard of. face up on the first try.

put a USB memory stick in the correct face up on the first try. Unheard of. face up on the first try.   Success Kid

Grandma Has Alheimers... Use Her to win $100k on America's Funniest Home Videos

Grandma Has Alheimers... Use Her to win $100k on America's Funniest Home Videos  Success Kid

Posts a meme to reddit Gets karma

Posts a meme to reddit Gets karma   Success Kid

Say you're in the zone get to skip meeting

Say you're in the zone get to skip meeting  Success Kid

Went to Chuck E Cheese's Got to be a Kid

Went to Chuck E Cheese's Got to be a Kid  Success Kid

Forgot about food in the microwave cooled down to perfect temperature when remembered

Forgot about food in the microwave cooled down to perfect temperature when remembered  Success Kid

male Got in a all girls cheer squad

male Got in a all girls cheer squad  Success Kid

Didn't study for AP Physics test -- EVER Derive angular momentum, electrostatics, and electromagnetism from newtonian physics.

Didn't study for AP Physics test -- EVER Derive angular momentum, electrostatics, and electromagnetism from newtonian physics.  Success Kid

Retake a class and get same grade At least I'm consistent

Retake a class and get same grade At least I'm consistent  Success Kid
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