Success Kid

Thought of a good idea for a meme While sitting at the computer

Thought of a good idea for a meme While sitting at the computer  Success Kid

National Star Wars Day just bought some deathstar

National Star Wars Day just bought some deathstar  Success Kid

10 pages of questions. One page is blank

10 pages of questions. One page is blank  Success Kid

2 years old achieves internet popularity

2 years old achieves internet popularity  Success Kid

Looked at ex's faceboock page Didn't Get sad

Looked at ex's faceboock page Didn't Get sad  Success Kid

Saved up all my vacation days Diablo 3 Installed

Saved up all my vacation days Diablo 3 Installed  Success Kid

Go through life thinking you're a weird socially inept person then you discover reddit

Go through life thinking you're a weird socially inept person then you discover reddit  Success Kid

Running out of hot water in the shower already finished washing hair

Running out of hot water in the shower already finished washing hair   Success Kid

Ate green potato chip Still alive!!!

Ate green potato chip Still alive!!!  Success Kid

Uses, "I put the std in stud. now all i need is you." to pick up girls works

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