Success Kid

Mid-term scheduled on GBD changed to after spring break

Mid-term scheduled on GBD changed to after spring break  Success Kid

did something dumb as hell people still focused on marlow being a dog

did something dumb as hell people still focused on marlow being a dog  Success Kid

rip the front of my toe off on the door frame still tough enough to do atletics

rip the front of my toe off on the door frame still tough enough to do atletics  Success Kid

Cant pronounce zhoumo roommate lets me call him joe

Cant pronounce zhoumo roommate lets me call him joe  Success Kid

Mate2la3sh el nadara w 2aboona beyrosh maya ba3d el 2oddas Maygeesh 3aleeha mayya

Mate2la3sh el nadara w 2aboona beyrosh maya ba3d el 2oddas Maygeesh 3aleeha mayya  Success Kid

Installed RES browsing r/adviceanimals is twice as quick

Installed RES browsing r/adviceanimals is twice as quick  Success Kid

One packzki left NOT PRune

One packzki left NOT PRune  Success Kid

Decided to watch Spongebob "Krusty Krab pizza, is the pizza!"

Decided to watch Spongebob

Open site in Internet Explorer Everything looks/works the same

Open site in Internet Explorer Everything looks/works the same  Success Kid

Bubbled "A" five times in a row For them all right

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