Success Kid

Take a shit Only have to wipe once

Take a shit Only have to wipe once  Success Kid

forgot to set alarm woke up on time

forgot to set alarm woke up on time  Success Kid

accidentally use karthus ult pentakill

accidentally use karthus ult pentakill  Success Kid

Have awesome name for pokemon don't have to abbreviate

Have awesome name for pokemon don't have to abbreviate  Success Kid

parents are divorced two Christmases

parents are divorced two Christmases    Success Kid

Missed Class No iClicker Questions

Missed Class No iClicker Questions  Success Kid

Can I use your leftover bacon grease? Fried pork chops in it for dinner

Can I use your leftover bacon grease? Fried pork chops in it for dinner  Success Kid

Fell asleep during game one still able to watch game three

Fell asleep during game one still able to watch game three  Success Kid

was peeing in my dream didnt pee the bed

was peeing in my dream didnt pee the bed  Success Kid

Saw Gus G. play The Fire and the Fury live He played the outro

Saw Gus G. play The Fire and the Fury live He played the outro  Success Kid
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