Success Kid

Brought a poop bag for my dog on a walk didn't have to use it

Brought a poop bag for my dog on a walk didn't have to use it  Success Kid

They found horse meat in frozen meals 25% off all frozen meals

They found horse meat in frozen meals 25% off all frozen meals  Success Kid

Attempted a risky 5 mile run Missed turn-around point and accidentally ran 5.5

Attempted a risky 5 mile run Missed turn-around point and accidentally ran 5.5  Success Kid

tell my dogs to do something they understand english perfectly

tell my dogs to do something they understand english perfectly  Success Kid

thought of an amazing idea last night remembered it in the morning

thought of an amazing idea last night remembered it in the morning  Success Kid

Haven't done any research this semester Professor blames himself

Haven't done any research this semester Professor blames himself  Success Kid

Reached 10k in karma did it with the first gif i ever made and it hit the front page

Reached 10k in karma did it with the first gif i ever made and it hit the front page  Success Kid

Made a grammer mistake in the title of my post Still got upvotes

Made a grammer mistake in the title of my post Still got upvotes  Success Kid

Huge diaper blowout At daycare

Huge diaper blowout At daycare  Success Kid

got a burrito at chipotle person forgot to write the G for guacamole

got a burrito at chipotle person forgot to write the G for guacamole  Success Kid
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