Success Kid

Turn on Jeopardy Teen Tournament

Turn on Jeopardy Teen Tournament  Success Kid

Just turned 39 Still got carded when buying cigarettes

Just turned 39 Still got carded when buying cigarettes  Success Kid

drops the lid to the ice cream container lands ice cream side up

drops the lid to the ice cream container lands ice cream side up  Success Kid

Anyone up for some cave explorer? Oh Yeah!

Anyone up for some cave explorer? Oh Yeah!  Success Kid

Woke up this morning Stayed in my pajamas all day

Woke up this morning Stayed in my pajamas all day  Success Kid

Take a shot of buckleys Can't taste it

Take a shot of buckleys Can't taste it  Success Kid

took a massive shit no wiping required

took a massive shit no wiping required  Success Kid

press upvote on first try

press upvote on first try  Success Kid

Made a meme quickmeme used it as an example

Made a meme quickmeme used it as an example  Success Kid

It's "DEFINITELY" NOT "DEFIANTLY" YOU FUCKING RETARDS. They are two different words.

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