Success Kid

Dropped something on the floor Can reach it with my toes

Dropped something on the floor Can reach it with my toes  Success Kid

took off sweatshirt in class T shirt stayed put

took off sweatshirt in class T shirt stayed put  Success Kid

Ate Rotten Flesh Didn't fart green bubbles

Ate Rotten Flesh Didn't fart green bubbles  Success Kid

Forgot to set alarm Still made it to work on time

Forgot to set alarm Still made it to work on time  Success Kid

New to Reddit 384 point comment

New to Reddit 384 point comment  Success Kid

Compliment powerful Russian scientist shoes Gives you keycard to base with nuclear weapons

Compliment powerful Russian scientist shoes Gives you keycard to base with nuclear weapons  Success Kid

I'll go to bed when I win or its midnight wins at exactly midnight

I'll go to bed when I win or its midnight wins at exactly midnight  Success Kid

Did a load of laundry all socks match

Did a load of laundry all socks match  Success Kid

liberal arts night class surf gearslutz

liberal arts night class surf gearslutz  Success Kid

Red light turns green exact same time song hits heavy breakdown

Red light turns green  exact same time song hits heavy breakdown  Success Kid
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