Success Kid

fell down the stairs no pain

fell down the stairs no pain  Success Kid

Had sex with boyfriend last night faked it so well he said I love you.

Had sex with boyfriend last night faked it so well he said I love you.   Success Kid

Accidentally walked into the women's restroom immediately realized it and walked out

Accidentally walked into the women's restroom immediately realized it and walked out  Success Kid

Made it to the front page today twice

Made it to the front page today twice  Success Kid

First sleepover with girlfriend didn't wake up with a huge pimple

First sleepover with girlfriend didn't wake up with a huge pimple  Success Kid

made a spelling error on a snide post calling people idiots still made it to the front page

made a spelling error on a snide post calling people idiots still made it to the front page  Success Kid

I have a paid internship and smoke weed 4-5 times a day

I have a paid internship and smoke weed 4-5 times a day  Success Kid

Finished a project Didn't go on reddit the whole time

Finished a project  Didn't go on reddit the whole time  Success Kid

grabbed random amount of paper exact number of pages needed to print docs

grabbed random amount of paper exact number of pages needed to print docs  Success Kid

Finishing my 3rd year of college 4.0 GPA

Finishing my 3rd year of college 4.0 GPA  Success Kid
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