Success Kid

Picked up extra shift Got overtime to make cookies for staff

Picked up extra shift  Got overtime to make cookies for staff  Success Kid

Woke up in the morning didn't have to pee

Woke up in the morning didn't have to pee  Success Kid

Got Laid!

Got Laid!  Success Kid

Comes home before everyone else puts music on speakers instead of headphones

Comes home before everyone else puts music on speakers
instead of headphones  Success Kid

Studied japan in class today teacher had everyone take off their shoes and socks

Studied japan in class today teacher had everyone take off their shoes and socks  Success Kid


Yes, KRS KU UDAH SIAP F*CK P*KSI !!  Success Kid

Didn't pre-order from gamestop still got the extra things

Didn't pre-order from gamestop still got the extra things  Success Kid

Playing Mario Kart with the girls boyfriend brings us beer

Playing Mario Kart with the girls boyfriend brings us beer  Success Kid

girlfriend catches you masturbating "need some help?"

girlfriend catches you masturbating

Went to blue drags Remembered dusty key

Went to blue drags Remembered dusty key  Success Kid
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