Success Kid

need snow pants for ski trip next week sportchek starts their clearance sale

need snow pants for ski trip next week sportchek starts their clearance sale  Success Kid

read a shakespeare play understood the whole thing without sparknoting it

read a shakespeare play understood the whole thing without sparknoting it  Success Kid

Sharted at work No stain

Sharted at work No stain  Success Kid

Bored all day angry birds update

Bored all day angry birds update   Success Kid

Gets grounded Parents forget

Gets grounded Parents forget  Success Kid

Discussion quiz questions sent to TA via Email TA deletes the Email

Discussion quiz questions sent to TA via Email TA deletes the Email  Success Kid

realize body wash bottle is empty while showering just enough to mix with water

realize body wash bottle is empty while showering just enough to mix with water  Success Kid

Drop spanish class junior year because teacher gives off bad vibe Same teacher is arrested for molesting 15 year old girl 3 years later!

Drop spanish class junior year because teacher gives off bad vibe Same teacher is arrested for molesting 15 year old girl 3 years later!  Success Kid

Had to fart Didn't shit my pants

Had to fart Didn't shit my pants  Success Kid

Cant register for classes Change time on computer

Cant register for classes Change time on computer  Success Kid
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