Success Kid

Live in an apartment Never have to mow the lawn

Live in an apartment Never have to mow the lawn  Success Kid

parents left me home alone this weekend Didn't get murdered

parents left me home alone this weekend Didn't get murdered  Success Kid

Had a cute waitress Gave me her number without me asking for it

Had a cute waitress Gave me her number without me asking for it  Success Kid

FIANCE took me to a bridal show we won a 3 day 2 night all inclusive stay in the bahamas

FIANCE took me to a bridal show we won a 3 day 2 night all inclusive stay in the bahamas  Success Kid

Spilled coffee down my shirt on the way to a meeting with my boss Stain blended in with the design, and my boss commented on how beautiful my shirt was.

Spilled coffee down my shirt on the way to a meeting with my boss Stain blended in with the design, and my boss commented on how beautiful my shirt was.   Success Kid

Went to redbox a movie with girlfriend picked a movie

Went to redbox a movie with girlfriend picked a movie  Success Kid

Show up to help friends move Just as the last box is off the truck and the pizza arrives

Show up to help friends move Just as the last box is off the truck and the pizza arrives  Success Kid

Goes to Puts USB into computer gets it right the first time

Goes to Puts USB into computer gets it right the first time  Success Kid

flossed for the first time in a year gums didn't bleed

flossed for the first time in a year gums didn't bleed  Success Kid

DEcided to start watching game of thrones nudity in ever episode so far

DEcided to start watching game of thrones nudity in ever episode so far  Success Kid
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