Success Kid

someone leaves rude comment check user history; they're just an asshole in general

someone leaves rude comment check user history; they're just an asshole in general  Success Kid

Made a meme that reached the 4th page only 1/2 of the comments were insults

Made a meme that reached the 4th page only 1/2 of the comments were insults  Success Kid

Introduced GF to Reddit a few months ago.. Asked me if I wanted to celebrate Steak and BJ day!

Introduced GF to Reddit a few months ago.. Asked me if I wanted to celebrate Steak and BJ day!  Success Kid

sidelined due to injury practise gets cancelled

sidelined due to injury practise gets cancelled  Success Kid

Bought new perfume Boyfriend actually likes it

Bought new perfume Boyfriend actually likes it  Success Kid

makan babi harus kuat walaupun haram

makan babi harus kuat walaupun  haram  Success Kid

Have to take a loud shit Loud construction being done nearby

Have to take a loud shit Loud construction being done nearby  Success Kid

Wife says Bachellorette is 3 hours long tonight I get to Reddit for 3 hours

Wife says Bachellorette is 3 hours long tonight I get to Reddit for 3 hours  Success Kid

Got a message saying went over 75% bandwidth Switching providers tomorrow

Got a message saying went over 75% bandwidth Switching providers tomorrow  Success Kid

28 years No cigarettes

28 years No cigarettes  Success Kid
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