Success Kid

Listening to music on the walk home song ends just as i get there

Listening to music on the walk home song ends just as i get there  Success Kid

Printed Labels Without waking up the husband

Printed Labels Without waking up the husband  Success Kid

Realized there wasn't any toilet paper before I took a dump!

Realized there wasn't any toilet paper before I took a dump!  Success Kid

Cop says I'm getting a ticket Be polite, tell the truth, no ticket

Cop says I'm getting a ticket Be polite, tell the truth, no ticket  Success Kid

lost my job after 10 years today . . Unemployment!

lost my job after 10 years today . . Unemployment!  Success Kid

paid for stranger's meal behind me at the drive thru only ordered coffee

paid for stranger's meal behind me at the drive thru only ordered coffee  Success Kid

Went on vacation Loads of brand new YouTube videos

Went on vacation Loads of brand new YouTube videos   Success Kid

what's up nigga you wanna catch my fade?!?

what's up nigga you wanna catch my fade?!?  Success Kid

Chaining for Shinx step into wrong patch not a bidoof

Chaining for Shinx step into wrong patch not a bidoof  Success Kid

Cashier asked if I was in college Student discount

Cashier asked if I was in college Student discount  Success Kid
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