Success Kid

Table comes in at 10 minutes to close They don't order well done steak

Table comes in at 10 minutes to close They don't order well done steak  Success Kid

Did'nt study for midterms Still got a good enough score!

Did'nt study for midterms Still got a good enough score!  Success Kid

came home to hang out with girlfriend for valentines day shes going out to have margaritas with her friends

came home to hang out with girlfriend for valentines day shes going out to have margaritas with her friends  Success Kid

DA fuck d'ya mean ats ur last feg

DA fuck d'ya mean ats ur last feg  Success Kid

Spends 3 hours in pleasant hall math lab doesn't get shit done.

Spends 3 hours in pleasant hall math lab doesn't get shit done.  Success Kid

Would you like to save $.03/gallon I think yes. -King Soopers-

Would you like to save $.03/gallon I think yes. -King Soopers-  Success Kid

waited a long time to check out iup memes, fearing the worst most of them are used properly

waited a long time to check out iup memes, fearing the worst most of them are used properly  Success Kid

saw an old highschool friend on reddit have more karma then him

saw an old highschool friend on reddit have more karma then him  Success Kid

Fumbled the blunt landed in the ash tray

Fumbled the blunt  landed in the ash tray  Success Kid

Wants to grow a little bit of marijuana jumps on /r/microgrowery and doesnt read a thing

Wants to grow a little bit of marijuana jumps on /r/microgrowery and doesnt read a thing  Success Kid
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