Success Kid

Procrastinated by watching youtube videos Video gave me a great idea for my paper

Procrastinated by watching youtube videos Video gave me a great idea for my paper  Success Kid

Walked from one end of campus to the other didn't receive 100 pamphlets explaining how I am going to hell

Walked from one end of campus to the other didn't receive 100 pamphlets explaining how I am going to hell  Success Kid

saw my ex-gf for 1st time after she broke my heart didn't want to sleep with her

saw my ex-gf for 1st time after she broke my heart didn't want to sleep with her  Success Kid

Australian Canadian Has both Amerstralian and New Zanadian Citizenship

Australian Canadian Has both Amerstralian and New Zanadian Citizenship  Success Kid

Paid off one of my College loans Only took 12 years.

Paid off one of my College loans Only took 12 years.   Success Kid

Plane full when I checked in on-line Middle seat next to me is the only one empty on the whole plane

Plane full when I checked in on-line Middle seat next to me is the only one empty on the whole plane  Success Kid

forgot it was May 4th Still studied all day to episode IV, V, VI film scores

forgot it was May 4th Still studied all day to episode IV, V, VI film scores  Success Kid

Studied 2 out 8 essay questions professor picks both of them on final

Studied 2 out 8 essay questions professor picks both of them on final  Success Kid

Forgot to study for a huge test Teacher lost power the night before and couldn't type it

Forgot to study for a huge test Teacher lost power the night before and couldn't type it  Success Kid

Stayed off of Reddit for more than 24 hours didn't miss any new trends

Stayed off of Reddit for more than 24 hours  didn't miss any new trends  Success Kid
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