Success Kid

Average on the test is a 60 Gets a 60 on the test

Average on the test is a 60 Gets a 60 on the test  Success Kid

Woke up from a nap to shit my pants Went back to sleep

Woke up from a nap to shit my pants Went back to sleep  Success Kid

Just got a blowjob from a fat girl Standards dropped

Just got a blowjob from a fat girl Standards dropped   Success Kid

Accidentally unplugged headphones sound muted

Accidentally unplugged headphones sound muted  Success Kid

have to fold clothes none of the clothes are inside out

have to fold clothes none of the clothes are inside out  Success Kid

turned shower on perfect temperature without adjusting

turned shower on perfect temperature without adjusting  Success Kid

Opens sticky keys key was actually sticky

Opens sticky keys key was actually sticky  Success Kid

Bought my first house They left the fridge

Bought my first house They left the fridge  Success Kid

Diablo iii servers are down in america still gets on for 15 minutes

Diablo iii servers are down in america still gets on for 15 minutes  Success Kid

Asked girlfriend where she wanted to eat got decicive answer first time around!

Asked girlfriend where she wanted to eat got decicive answer first time around!  Success Kid
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