Success Kid

checked 10 day weather forecast all 60's and 70's

checked 10 day weather forecast all 60's and 70's  Success Kid

Posted my comment before friend typed ^Like

Posted my comment before friend typed ^Like  Success Kid

went to a bns came back with phone wallet akubra and keys

went to a bns  came back with phone wallet akubra and keys   Success Kid

Fuck GCSEs.... We can rap about Oxfam.

Fuck GCSEs.... We can rap about Oxfam.  Success Kid

Went to the Rec Center Squat Rack Open

Went to the Rec Center Squat Rack Open  Success Kid

had birthday cake its no ones birthday

had birthday cake its no ones birthday  Success Kid

Peel a questionable banana with a lot of brown spots Didn't have any bruises

Peel a questionable banana with a lot of brown spots Didn't have any bruises   Success Kid

smokes weed mile time still 5:07

smokes weed mile time still 5:07  Success Kid

teacher says to turn homework in on friday turns it in on monday gets full credit

teacher says to turn homework in on friday turns it in on monday gets full credit  Success Kid

Going through the test you got back Found extra marks that should have been wrong but still got them right

Going through the test you got back  Found extra marks that should have been wrong but still got them right   Success Kid
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