Success Kid

Understood something in biochem today Winning!

Understood something in biochem today Winning!  Success Kid

Go through Water Temple Never have to backtrack for keys

Go through Water Temple Never have to backtrack for keys  Success Kid

Disses teacher on their facebook status Teacher doesn't notice and likes your comment

Disses teacher on their facebook status Teacher doesn't notice and likes your comment  Success Kid

Bye bye iraQ Got Daddy Back

Bye bye iraQ Got Daddy Back  Success Kid

Hardly any tp Enough to wipe my ass

Hardly any tp Enough to wipe my ass  Success Kid

4 huge tests next week procrastinate anyway

4 huge tests next week procrastinate
 anyway  Success Kid

thought i lost $17 didn't

thought i lost $17 didn't  Success Kid

Take a huge shit only need to wipe once

Take a huge shit only need to wipe once  Success Kid

Finishes Design 102 project The morning before it's due

Finishes Design 102 project The morning before it's due  Success Kid

Texted while walking on the Pedestrium Didn't trip

Texted while walking on the Pedestrium Didn't trip  Success Kid
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