Success Kid

Post retarded first comment Got 5 upvotes

Post retarded 
first comment Got 5 upvotes  Success Kid

Accidently put on wrong pants found 20 dollars

Accidently put on wrong pants found 20 dollars  Success Kid

asks out olivia fuck yeah

asks out olivia fuck yeah  Success Kid

going to the movies later!! yaa im geting into a raded R show.!!

going to the movies later!! yaa im geting into a raded R show.!!  Success Kid

bought shoes online they fit perfectly

bought shoes online they fit perfectly  Success Kid

Finish paper at 2 a.m. Still avoid 'Breaking Dawn' midnight showing statuses

Finish paper at 2 a.m. Still avoid 'Breaking Dawn' midnight showing statuses  Success Kid

Paid all my bills Have money left over

Paid all my bills Have money left over  Success Kid

Scumbag neighbors wake me up during best dream I've had in months Go right back in when I fall asleep

Scumbag neighbors wake me up during best dream I've had in months   Go right back in when I fall asleep   Success Kid

Put on coat from last winter found $8

Put on coat from last winter found $8  Success Kid

Orders subway Doesn't stutter or say "umm"

Orders subway Doesn't stutter or say
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