Success Kid

pay for wifi on first of three-flight trip still works on the next flights

pay for wifi on first of three-flight trip still works on the next flights  Success Kid

dad searches room when out with friends never checked the guitar case

dad searches room when out with friends never checked the guitar case  Success Kid

sent okcupid message to girl who "replies very selectively" replies same day, she wants to meet

sent okcupid message to girl who

Sudden craving for certain soda Have it in the fridge

Sudden craving for certain soda Have it in the fridge  Success Kid

"Turn to page 576" first try

Went to church with a Mormon friend to make her happy Didn't burst into flame

Went to church with a Mormon friend to make her happy Didn't burst into flame  Success Kid

class 11-7:30 Made reddit blackout bearable

class 11-7:30 Made reddit blackout bearable  Success Kid

Sees an ask science post actually understands the answer

Sees an ask science post actually understands the answer  Success Kid

Make slight progress on homework Celebrate by browsing reddit

Make slight progress on homework Celebrate by browsing reddit  Success Kid

post profile picture from party while still drunk no evidence of weed or alcohol

post profile picture from party while still drunk no evidence of weed or alcohol  Success Kid
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